It's no secret that I love mornings. I used to wake up before the sun but now it's more around 0530-ish. And that's fine with me. I'm enjoying waking up a little later nowadays. Having a relaxing morning routine sets the tone for the rest of my day.
Here's how I like to start my day:
-Pre-workout snack.
-Make coffee (because, duh!). I have this French press that I absolutely love.
-Light a candle. It's relaxing and makes the house smell good.
-Stretch and work out. This is the perfect time to get in exercise because no one is awake to interrupt me.
-Get the kids up and moving. My youngest is a morning freak like me so he's usually awake shortly after I wake up. My oldest is a different story, though. The rule in our house is you must do the things you need to do before even thinking about anything else. I always tell them they have less time to get ready than they actually have.
Once I do all of that, I like to start my workday. Some mornings I meet with clients or teach Pop Pilates and other mornings I take my time getting plans together or working on continuing education.
No matter what, though, my morning is MY time to get my thoughts clear and I cherish every morning.