My goal for this blog is to primarily document my health and fitness, in addition to providing information so you can transform the inside while focusing on the outside. This blog is perfect for those who, like me, don't have the attention span to read paragraph after paragraph. I can't promise I won't write lengthy posts but I'll do the best I can to keep it simple and to the point.

The faster the results, the less sustainable
A little about me
Feb. 2010 - diagnosed with hypothyroidism, began to change my life
Mar 2010 - started walking on my lunch breaks, drinking more water, and doing wall pushups in the bathroom (don't ever underestimate the small steps!)
Apr 2010 - noticed weight and mood changes
Summer 2010 - began running from one light pole to the other, signed up for a 5k (completed alone with no one at the finish line waiting for me)
sometime in 2010 - began really working out (fun fact: I only had a garage sale yoga mat and a medium resistance band)
2011 - continued working out and running, life for me was changing
2016 - completed my first mud run and fell in love, received my doctor's okay to get off my thyroid medication, got my personal training certification
2017 - received my Pop Pilates instructor certification
2022 - started Ten X Personal Training, LLC. working with individuals online and in-home
Now - still haven't gained all the weight and still working out regularly
I hope to bring inspiration to your life!