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10 Ways To Move More Without Going Out Of Your Way

I realized not long ago that, although I work out on a regular basis, I don't get in enough movement some days. Don't get me wrong, I play with my kids and walk when I brush my teeth. But when I get working on something, it can be easy to just sit there until I'm done. And what do ya know? Three hours at the computer have gone by.

We're all busy so here are 10 ways to move more without going out of your way.

  1. Wash your car by hand

  2. Walk while brushing your teeth

  3. Step side-to-side while cooking or doing dishes

  4. March in place during commercials

  5. Do wall push-ups with every bathroom trip

  6. Put away one toy at a time while picking up

  7. Take a movement break every 30 minutes when working

  8. Put the phone down and walk to your coworker's desk

  9. Park in the last parking spot at the store

  10. Take the long way around the building to the bathroom

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