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What makes a good workout?

The internet is full of wisdom. Full of things we believe to be true or false. Full of new and old. Full of crazy complicated and simple. When it comes to workouts, there are millions out there. Some are backed by science and some not so much. But there's a plethora of workouts you can find on the internet.

So what makes for a "good" workout?

Here's the answer none of us want. It depends. Ugh. I know. That's not what you wanted to hear. You wanted a black-and-white answer. Unfortunately, it's not black-and-white.

A good workout for me may not be a good workout for you. As a certified personal trainer, I bring together my education, subjective information, objective information, and my gut instinct to create a workout plan that I believe will help a person to achieve their main goal. Sometimes it's trial and error. I rely on feedback from clients, along with my observations, to tweak it as needed.

Here are just some of the things I consider before making a workout plan for a client:

-current lifestyle

-injuries and pain points

-what they enjoy and what they absolutely hate


-limitations and boundaries

With all of this in mind, I decided some time back to create a workout plan so simple, yet tackles what I see most often when it comes to how we move and what we believe to be true about exercise.

Summer Reset is all bodyweight moves that progress in a way that is doable. All of the workouts are under 15 minutes long. Every move comes with video instruction and many come with written (and possibly even audio) instruction as well. Why? Because we all learn differently. I'm here to eliminate the excuses our minds often tell us as to why we can't or shouldn't do something.

Enrollment is NOW OPEN for Summer Reset.


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