I talked about doing the deeper work last week for a reason. To quote Viktor Frankl, "Those who have a why to live can bear with almost any how."
What does this have to do with getting healthy?
It's not easy. If it were easy, why in the world would we have surgeries, pills, injections, and strict meal plans to change our body composition? It's fairly simple, actually, just very challenging.
I don't have time.
It's too expensive to pay for a gym membership.
Life is just crazy right now.
I'm dealing with pain in my knees/hips/shoulders.
These are some of the most common reasons I hear on a regular basis as to why people justify not working out.
When we find the deeper meaning of why we want to change a behavior, we are much more able to figure a way around the roadblocks that will always come up. When we don't have a clear understanding of our why, it's as though we are drifting on the open ocean. But when we have a direction, we know where we should be going.
Knowing why you're doing what you're doing will help you with:
Motivation and inspiration
After my second child was born, I continued my workout routine. I could have easily said life was crazy having a newborn and I didn't have time. I knew, though, how much better of a mom I would be if I took the time to exercise. And there were many days I worked out for only 10 or 15 minutes with my infant. And you know what? He didn't mind at all because to him we were playing and spending time together.
Get clear on why you want this. And don't forget to leave a comment telling me your why.