Hey there, fitness enthusiasts and future workout warriors! Although I've word-vomited my story about why I got started in fitness, I realized I haven't really shared much about myself here. So let's do this; here are 10 random facts all about yours truly.
My blog posts and social media posts are short for a reason. Personally, there's no way I could ever read a lengthy post. I've actually unfollowed accounts for this very reason. Thus, I decided if I hate super long posts, why the hell would I do that to anyone who decides to read this shitshow?? Basically, you're welcome.
I'm a nerd when it comes to learning about the body and fitness stuff. I like to re-read my textbooks and buy human body encyclopedia books.
Because of a fun-at-the-time-but-dumb accident that caused me to lean during my entire summer German class in college (we'll save that for another time), I have a terrible (I mean, terrible) memory. Maybe part of it is due to this supposed #mombrain 🤨 Either way, I can't remember much of anything.
I consider myself a cautious adrenaline junkie. Motherhood is when the cautious part was added. Cliff-diving. Motorcycle. Zip-lining. Dirt bikes. Easy (and a few more extreme) obstacle runs. Love it all.
My major in college was accounting and my minor was German. I realized I didn't want a job couped up inside sitting and staring at a computer for my life. Also, it's no surprise, that I don't remember much German.
Perfect segway into this one. Oddly enough, I know random phrases and words in multiple languages like Russian, French, Greek, and Portuguese.
I go through ups and downs with my nutrition and fitness just like everyone else.
Eight is my favorite number.
I drink nothing but coffee and water.
Although I love to travel (and absolutely LOOOOVVEEEE to fly) I've never been outside of the Midwest 😐